About Ez Innovations

Ez Innovations is a trusted South African based software development company servicing clients from all industries. We are passionate about delivering innovative custom software solutions that combine creativity, the latest technology, and valued expertise that empowers you to stay ahead of the curve in our current fast-paced and competitive market.

"The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible" - Sir Arthur C. Clarke

The Ez Innovations vision

Our vision is to inspire and implement positive, sustainable, and superior information technology driven solutions that bring people together and change the way people do business. We care enough to create value for our customers.


Quality focused

We strive to understand and satisfy our customers’ needs and expectations, to make commitments we fully understand and believe we can meet, and deliver on time, within budget and to a high quality of standard.


Performance driven

We monitor, benchmark and continuously improve our business products and services as well as our company and employees’ performance.


Goal driven

We sustain business growth and develop intellectual property by creating your vision through the robust development of cost-effective custom software solutions that drive the improvement of business processes.

Ez Innovations (Pty) Ltd currently boasts level 1 BEE certification. We are proud to support the continual development of our staff. We trust that our Black Economic Empowerment development program will produce great leaders taking our products and services to new heights.